Unbreakable Beauty: The Unmatched Strength of Sintered Stone

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Sintered stone is a revolutionary and durable material that can be used for various projects, such as countertops, floors, walls, and exterior cladding. It combines the best qualities of natural and engineered stones, such as resistance, versatility, and sustainability. In this article, we will provide an informative and persuasive overview of sintered stone, and show you why it is the ideal choice for your project. We will also introduce you to Sintered Stone Top, a leading sintered stone supplier and fabricator with over 20 years of experience and expertise.

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Table of Contents

What is sintered stone and how is it made?

Sintered stone is a synthetic material that is made of a mixture of natural minerals, such as quartz, feldspar, clay, and silica. These minerals are crushed, mixed, and compressed under high pressure, forming a compact and homogeneous slab. Then, the slab is heated to over 1200°C, which causes the minerals to fuse together and form a solid and non-porous surface. This process is called sintering, and it gives sintered stone its unique properties and characteristics.

Sintered stone is different from other materials, such as quartz, granite, marble, and porcelain, in several ways. For example, sintered stone does not contain any resin, pigment, or glue, which can affect the quality and performance of the material. Sintered stone also has a higher density and hardness, which makes it more resistant and durable. Sintered stone also has a lower porosity and absorption, which makes it more hygienic and easy to clean.

If you want to learn more about the composition and manufacturing process of sintered stone, you can visit our article: Sintered Stone Composition and Manufacturing.

What are the features and benefits of sintered stone?

Sintered stone is one of the most durable and resistant materials on the market, as it has a high hardness and density, which makes it almost impossible to break, crack, or chip. It also has a low porosity and absorption, which makes it immune to stains, bacteria, and odors. It also has a high thermal and UV stability, which makes it withstand heat, fire, and sunlight.

Sintered stone is also one of the most versatile and customizable materials on the market, as it comes in a variety of colors, patterns, and finishes, that can suit any style and preference. You can choose from different types and styles of sintered stone, such as natural, polished, matte, or textured. You can also choose from different colors and patterns of sintered stone, such as solid, veined, speckled, or mixed.

Sintered stone is also one of the most eco-friendly and sustainable materials on the market, as it has a low environmental impact, recyclability, and health benefits. Sintered stone is made of natural minerals, which do not deplete the natural resources or generate waste. Sintered stone can also be recycled and reused for other purposes, reducing the landfill and carbon footprint. Sintered stone also does not emit any harmful substances or gases, which can affect the air quality or the environment. Sintered stone also does not retain moisture, bacteria, or odors, which can improve the hygiene and well-being of the users.

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If you want to learn more about the features and benefits of sintered stone, you can visit our article: Sintered Stone Sustainability Truth.

What are the types and styles of sintered stone?

Sintered stone comes in a variety of types and styles, that can suit any style and preference. You can choose from different types and styles of sintered stone, such as polished, matte, or textured. Each type and style of sintered stone has its own characteristics and advantages, depending on your project and design.

  • Polished sintered stone: This type of sintered stone has a shiny and reflective surface, that enhances the color and pattern of the material. Polished sintered stone is ideal for projects that require brightness and vibrancy, such as floors, walls, and furniture. Polished sintered stone is also resistant to scratches and stains, as it has a hard and dense surface.
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  • Matte sintered stone: This type of sintered stone has a soft and velvety surface, that creates a warm and cozy atmosphere. Matte sintered stone is ideal for projects that require comfort and simplicity, such as floors, walls, and fireplaces. Matte sintered stone is also resistant to heat and fire, as it has a high thermal stability.
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  • Textured sintered stone: This type of sintered stone has a rough and uneven surface, that adds texture and dimension to the material. Textured sintered stone is ideal for projects that require contrast and diversity, such as exterior cladding, outdoor applications, and furniture. Textured sintered stone is also resistant to UV rays and weather conditions, as it has a high UV stability.
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If you want to learn more about the types and styles of sintered stone, you can visit our article: Sintered Stone Design Styles.

How to choose, install, and maintain sintered stone?

Sintered stone is a great material for your project, but it also requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. You need to choose the right type and style of sintered stone for your project, as well as the right tools and equipment for cutting and fabricating it. You also need to install and maintain sintered stone properly and safely, to ensure its quality and durability. Here are some tips and steps on how to choose, install, and maintain sintered stone for your project:

  • Choosing sintered stone: Before you buy sintered stone, you need to consider several factors, such as your budget, design, space, and purpose. You need to measure and plan your project, and decide how much sintered stone you need, and what type and style you want. You also need to compare sintered stone with other materials, and weigh the pros and cons of each option. You also need to find a reliable and reputable sintered stone supplier and fabricator, who can offer you high-quality sintered stone slabs and custom fabrication services.
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  • Installing sintered stone: After you buy sintered stone, you need to install it correctly and safely, to ensure its performance and appearance. You need to hire a professional and experienced installer, who can handle the sintered stone slabs and tools with care and precision. You also need to prepare the surface and the area where you want to install sintered stone, and make sure it is clean, level, and stable. You also need to follow the installation instructions and guidelines, and use the appropriate tools and equipment, such as saws, blades, water jets, grinders, routers, polishers, clamps, guide rails, etc. You also need to check and adjust the alignment and the fit of the sintered stone slabs, and make sure there are no gaps, cracks, or chips. You also need to seal and polish the edges and the surface of the sintered stone slabs, to enhance their look and protection.
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  • Maintaining sintered stone: After you install sintered stone, you need to maintain it regularly and effectively, to ensure its longevity and hygiene. You need to clean and care for sintered stone with the right products and methods, and avoid using harsh or abrasive chemicals or tools, that can damage or stain the material. You also need to protect sintered stone from extreme temperatures, impacts, or scratches, and repair any minor damages or defects, such as chips or cracks. You also need to inspect and monitor the condition and the performance of sintered stone, and seek professional help if needed.

If you want to learn more about how to choose, install, and maintain sintered stone, you can visit our article: Sintered Stone Installation and Maintenance.

How to buy and install sintered stone from

Top Sintered Stone?

If you are looking for a reliable and reputable sintered stone supplier and fabricator, you should choose Sintered Stone Top. Sintered Stone Top is a leading sintered stone supplier and fabricator, with over 20 years of experience and expertise. Sintered Stone Top can offer you the following advantages and benefits:

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  • High-quality sintered stone slabs: Sintered Stone Top sources its sintered stone slabs from the best manufacturers in the world, such as Neolith, Dekton, and Lapitec. Sintered Stone Top offers a wide range of sintered stone slabs, in different types, styles, colors, patterns, and finishes. Sintered Stone Top also ensures that its sintered stone slabs meet the highest standards of quality, durability, and sustainability.
  • Custom fabrication services: Sintered Stone Top can provide you with custom fabrication services, according to your specifications and preferences. Sintered Stone Top has a team of skilled and experienced fabricators, who can cut, shape, polish, and install sintered stone slabs for your project. Sintered Stone Top also has the latest tools and equipment, such as saws, blades, water jets, grinders, routers, polishers, etc., that can handle sintered stone slabs with precision and accuracy.
  • Professional installation: Sintered Stone Top can also provide you with professional installation, ensuring the quality and safety of your project. Sintered Stone Top has a team of licensed and insured installers, who can install sintered stone slabs for your project. Sintered Stone Top also follows the installation instructions and guidelines, and uses the appropriate tools and equipment, to ensure the alignment and the fit of the sintered stone slabs. Sintered Stone Top also seals and polishes the edges and the surface of the sintered stone slabs, to enhance their look and protection.
  • Competitive prices: Sintered Stone Top can offer you competitive prices, that are affordable and reasonable. Sintered Stone Top can provide you with a free estimate, based on your project size, type, and style. Sintered Stone Top can also offer you discounts and promotions, depending on your project and budget. Sintered Stone Top can also help you save money, by reducing the waste and the installation time of the sintered stone slabs.
  • Fast delivery: Sintered Stone Top can deliver your sintered stone slabs to your location, in a timely and efficient manner. Sintered Stone Top has a large inventory of sintered stone slabs, that are ready to be shipped. Sintered Stone Top also has a reliable and secure logistics and delivery system, that can transport your sintered stone slabs safely and quickly. Sintered Stone Top also has a tracking and monitoring system, that can keep you updated on the status and the location of your sintered stone slabs.
  • Excellent customer service: Sintered Stone Top can provide you with excellent customer service, that is friendly and helpful. Sintered Stone Top has a team of knowledgeable and courteous customer service representatives, who can answer your questions, address your concerns, and assist you with your orders. Sintered Stone Top also has a website, a blog, a portfolio, and a contact form, that can provide you with more information and resources about sintered stone and its applications. Sintered Stone Top also has a feedback and review system, that can help you share your experience and satisfaction with Sintered Stone Top.
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If you are interested in buying and installing sintered stone for your project, contact Sintered Stone Top today. Sintered Stone Top is the best choice for sintered stone, as it can offer you high-quality sintered stone slabs, custom fabrication services, professional installation, competitive prices, fast delivery, and excellent customer service. You can visit our website: Sintered Stone Top, or call us at +86-134-2576-8938, or email us at info@sinteredstone.top, or fill out our contact form: Contact Us. We would love to hear from you.


Sintered stone is a revolutionary and durable material that can be used for various projects, such as countertops, floors, walls, and exterior cladding. It has many features and benefits, such as resistance, versatility, and sustainability. It also comes in a variety of types and styles, that can suit any style and preference. Sintered stone is also easy to choose, install, and maintain, with the right guidance and assistance.

If you are looking for a reliable and reputable sintered stone supplier and fabricator, you should choose Sintered Stone Top. Sintered Stone Top can offer you high-quality sintered stone slabs, custom fabrication services, professional installation, competitive prices, fast delivery, and excellent customer service. Sintered Stone Top is the best choice for sintered stone, as it can help you achieve your project goals and vision.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about sintered stone and its applications. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for your time and attention.

Here are some frequently asked questions related to sintered stone and its applications:

  • What is the difference between sintered stone and porcelain?

Sintered stone and porcelain are both synthetic materials that are made of natural minerals, but they have different manufacturing processes and properties. Porcelain is made of clay, feldspar, and quartz, that are mixed with water and shaped into tiles or slabs. Then, the tiles or slabs are fired at high temperatures, which causes the clay to vitrify and form a hard and glazed surface. Sintered stone is made of quartz, feldspar, clay, and silica, that are crushed, mixed, and compressed under high pressure. Then, the slab is heated to over 1200°C, which causes the minerals to fuse together and form a solid and non-porous surface. Sintered stone has a higher density and hardness, which makes it more resistant and durable. Sintered stone also has a lower porosity and absorption, which makes it more hygienic and easy to clean. Sintered stone also has a higher thermal and UV stability, which makes it withstand heat, fire, and sunlight.

  • How much does sintered stone cost?

The cost of sintered stone depends on several factors, such as the type, style, color, pattern, finish, size, and thickness of the material, as well as the supplier, fabricator, installer, and location of the project. Generally, sintered stone is one of the most expensive materials on the market, as it has a high quality and performance. The average cost of sintered stone ranges from $60 to $200 per square foot, depending on the factors mentioned above. However, you can also find discounts and promotions, depending on the project and budget. You can also save money, by reducing the waste and the installation time of the sintered stone slabs.

  • How do you clean sintered stone?

Sintered stone is one of the easiest and most eco-friendly materials to maintain, as it has a non-porous and non-absorbent surface, which means that it does not retain moisture, bacteria, or odors. It also does not require sealing, polishing, or waxing, which means that it does not need any special or frequent treatments. To clean sintered stone, you just need to use a soft cloth or sponge, warm water, and mild soap or detergent. You can also use a neutral pH cleaner, that is specially designed for sintered stone. You should avoid using harsh or abrasive chemicals or tools, that can damage or stain the material. You should also wipe off any spills or stains as soon as possible, to prevent them from penetrating or drying on the surface. You should also rinse and dry the surface thoroughly, to prevent water spots or streaks.

Blog Writer:

Bosco Chan

Marketing Manager


Sintered Stone Manufacture & Wholesale